May 28, 2024

NYU Center for Cybersecurity: CyberByte

In our most recent issue (CyberByte Spring 2024), we examine research initiatives at both NYU Tandon and Abu Dhabi that are designed to repel a growing tide of deepfakes and disinformation, including the work of two Ph.D. candidates and one 2024 Ph.D. graduate—Bruno CoelhoAditya Sirish A Yelgundhalli, and Dr. Brian Timmerman. We also examine the policy and legal aspects of this complex topic with CCS co-chair and MSCRS professor Randal Milch from the NYU Law School, profile multilingual and multidiscipinary Ph.D. student Sofija Jancheska, and chat with recent M.S. graduate Abhinav Kore, who is now a senior cybersecurity engineer at Workday.